2024 Assessor Recertification
Deadline to Register: May 1, 2024 - 11:59pm
Dates & Locations
Recertification for 2024 will be conducted completely online. The online recertification can be completed anytime between February 14, 2024-May 1, 2024.
Attention Private Appraisers: Please submit your $50 fee to our office before May 1, 2024.
Our office can only accept checks or money orders. Please mail your payment to the address below and be sure to include your name:
Center for Government and Community Development
Attn: Assessor Recertification
PO Box 9643
Mississippi State, MS 39762
-Each person must complete the requirements under their own unique account.
-You must earn a total of 11 points (& mandatory points from the MECP Overview & 4 Points from any combination of topics) no later than May 1, 2024.
-To receive credit for each activity you must watch the full video and answer the two questions embedded throughout each video. You must click submit after watching the entire video and answer both questions.