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Tourism course opens, second class graduates

Tourism course opens, second class graduates

Writer: Ms. Susan M. Collins-Smith, MSU Extension Service

RAYMOND, Miss. -- October marks an exciting milestone for Mississippi tourism professionals who will complete training in a one-of-a-kind program.

Trainees in the second annual Excellence in Tourism Leadership Program will receive their certificates of completion at the 2024 Governor’s Conference on Tourism, an annual event hosted by the Mississippi Tourism Association.

The two-year program helps tourism professionals learn how to market and increase tourism while gaining insight into leadership, advocacy, public policy and administration. Participants can earn an associate certificate and an advanced mastery certificate.

Educators with the Mississippi State University Extension Center for Government and Community Development designed and implemented the program in partnership with the MTA. MSU experts and industry professionals provide training.

For 2023 graduate Kim Lewis, manager of Visit Jackson Tourism and Destination Development, the program helped her learn new ways to accomplish goals.

“This experience transformed my approach to collaboration and innovation, revealing that my insights were valuable beyond my specific area of expertise,” Lewis said.

In the first year of the program, participants complete coursework and attend in-person events to earn an associate certificate. More advanced training is available in the master certificate program, which requires additional coursework, the completion of a project and a presentation to the class.

Coursework is both online and in person. In-person sessions are held in conjunction with MTA events. Course participants can also earn credit by attending the Alabama-Mississippi-Tennessee Rural Tourism Conference.

 “When it comes to tourism, it is important our communities have effective leaders with unique skills to facilitate positive and lasting change in vibrant and growing communities,” said Rachael Carter, an instructor with the Center for Government and Community Development. “This program will help communities build that capacity of community leaders by helping them gain the vision and skill necessary to make it happen.”

Danielle Morgan, executive director of MTA, said the program is instrumental in helping strengthen the state’s growing tourism industry.

“The Excellence in Tourism Leadership Program provides a path to strengthen industry leaders so we can continue to achieve our vision: transforming Mississippi’s economy through increased visitor spending and overall travel industry growth,” Morgan said.

Registration is now open to those that want to be part of the next class, which begins in January 2025. Seats are limited, and program entry is competitive. Participants must submit their applications along with a letter of recommendation from an employer or tourism organization by Dec. 1, 2024. A tuition fee of $500 is due at the beginning of each certificate program for a total cost over two years of $1,000.

For more information or to apply to the Excellence in Tourism Leadership Program, visit

Registration is open for the 2024 Governor’s Conference on Tourism. MTA is a member-based organization that represents all segments of the tourism industry, providing advocacy, education and promotion. For more information about the association and the October conference, visit

MSU Extension is an equal opportunity institution. For disability accommodation, contact Rachael Carter at 662-325-3141 or

Source: Tourism course opens, second class graduates

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